Are You Eatin, Sleepin, Dreamin with that One Thing On Your Mind??

"Success is my only mutha F**kin Option...Failures NOT!"

Friday, August 11, 2006

Time to Face Reality....

Ive been tryin my best to avoid the thats gunna change anything....

Tomarrow will be 13 Years since my Lil' Sis/Best Friend JENIFER was murdered. I can't believe its been so long. But then again, Somedays it seems like it was just yesterday...while other days it seems like it was in another lifetime. In a way-it WAS another lifetime I guess. I have "My Life Part 1-WITH Jen" & then theres "My Life Part 2" which started on August 12, 1993.

Both Part 1 & Part 2 have had their ups & downs, but at least during Part 1-I ALWAYS had my Sister with me--NO MATTER WHAT. (When youre only 18 months apart in age, you get to be REALLY close.) Even when she was 3000 miles away in the Army, we talked at least 5-6 times a week,(if not daily) & wrote each other all the time. I was actually the very last person that spoke to her.(Besides the punk Mutha-F*ckers that killed her) She called me less than 3 HOURS before she was killed, and we set our plans to go on a Cruise together when she moved back home to CA in 2 weeks. Then...just like that...she was gone. Damn ...


All week Ive been trying to be kind to myself, stay strong, take care of myself and hold the depression & sadness at bay, but I just cant do it right now. IT HURTS TOOO FUCKIN MUCH!!!!


  • At 7:20 PM, Blogger jen said…

    hang in there girl! just remember, you'll be seein' her again some day...

  • At 9:20 AM, Blogger Suz said…

    wow...dana, I didn't know this. What a sad, yet WONDERFUL story. Love is such an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing this with us/me. :) Big big hug from me to you.


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