Are You Eatin, Sleepin, Dreamin with that One Thing On Your Mind??

"Success is my only mutha F**kin Option...Failures NOT!"

Sunday, July 16, 2006


LisaMichele & Shirley both tagged me for this last week, so here it is:

Four Jobs I have had in my life:

1. Correctional Officer
2. Massage Therapist
3. Realtor
4. Child Care Coordinator (Inmates kids inside a state prison)

Four Movies I would watch over & over:

1. Pure Country
2. Christmas Story
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Waiting To Exhale

Four Places I have lived:

1. Phoenix, AZ
2. Vacaville, CA
3. Santa Cruz, CA
4. ----------

Four TV Shows I love to watch:

1. Seinfeld
3. CSI (Vegas only)
4. Rescue Me

Four Places I have been on vacation:

1. Bahamas
2. Hawaii
3. Ensenada
4. Vegas

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Pizza
2. Watermelon
3. Seafood
4. Mexican Food

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. At the race (hangin out w/Shirley, Dede, Ed & Jim-bo)
2. At the beach
3. On a cruise
4. A BFL Get together

Four friends I have tagged that I think will respond:

1. No one-everyone else has already done this!
2. -------
3. -------
4. ------

Four most influential people in my life:

1. Mom & Pops
2. Jenifer (my sis)
3. Grannie
4. Blake

Four goals I wish to achieve in my lifetime:

1. Raise my Son to be a happy, healthy and productive Young Man
2. Be happy with myself/love myself
3. Help others to achieve a healthy/fit lifestyle
4. Find true love


  • At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awe a little insight! Thanks for sharing chicka! Love it, sounds like we need to hit the beach!
    Hugs, LisaMichele


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